Majik 3D landscape test release

Subject: Majik 3D landscape test release
From: Tommi Leino (
Date: Wed Jan 23 2002 - 12:23:52 EET

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Majik 3D landscape test release

Majik 3D landscape test version has been released of our new client. Using
the new client you can walk around a simple canyon with other users. It
also should allow you to talk with other users you might encounter.
Currently it is available only for the Win32 platform, but a Linux client
should come in the near future.

Along with progress on the client side, I've been working on Forums that
have replaced the old "majik-design" mailing list completely. You should
join in the forums from if you
want to participate in designing Majik's game system, graphics and/or

And if you haven't yet noticed, our new web site is now online and is
available at

Tommi Leino <>

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