[Fwd: new mailing lists, opening the source and new server]

Subject: [Fwd: new mailing lists, opening the source and new server]
From: Tommi Leino (namhas@majik.netti.fi)
Date: Mon May 24 1999 - 17:24:38 EEST

The mailing lists weren't working for a while and I noticed it just few
hours ago, because for me it seemed that they're working just fine. This
is a mail I sent to the announce list few days, or even weeks ago, so
if you have already seen this, just ignore :)

Tommi Leino / Majik 3D project manager
namhas@majik.netti.fi http://majik.netti.fi

attached mail follows:

New mailing lists majik-announce All major announcements are posted here. Only the core development team can post announcements here. Very low-volume list and everyone is encouraged to subscribe to this list. Everyone can read this list. majik-design A mailing list for the designers and graphic artist of the project. No automatic susbcription is possible, the one needs to send a message to majik-helpdesk and ask for subscription. Everyone can read this list. majik-development A mailig list for the developers of the project. Those who do the code. Subscription is possible for only the few who have send patches or are actively coding something for the project. Everyone can read this list. majik-helpdesk This address is meant for those who don't wish to subscribe to majik-users and just want to ask some questions or any questions that should be directed only to the core development team. No other else can read this list. This is formerly known as the majik@majik.netti.fi which is still working. majik-users A mailing list for the "users" of Majik, a generic mailing list for any kind of talk somehow related to Majik. Users can ask here questions, whine about problems and such. Everyone can read and subscribe to this list. All old majik4-* mailing lists are no longer in use. Messages send to the obsolete lists will forward the message automatically to a newer one. All who consider theirselves as "users" of Majik and want to belong the Majik community should subscribe to majik-users mailing list. See http://majik.netti.fi/archive.html for easy button for majik-users subscription and mailing list archives for all the mailing lists except majik-helpdesk. Opening the source Majik 3D client's source code is now GPL'ed (GNU Public License) and is available for download within few weeks. We came up for this decision because there weren't any major flaws and we wanted to support the open source community (and being too lazy to compile client's binary to all the architectures ;>). We also hope this would attract few new people to join this project and maybe some coders to contribute patches :) New server The new machine I announced earlier is now configured and online. It is a fast one too :) It should speed up the development a bit since we don't have to wait so long when compiling the source ;> Now there can be more services on the machine too. For example I now use it as my default mail server. Designers and coders can do that too so you will have then a nice @majik.netti.fi address ;> Contact me and I'll do the necessary arrangements. -- Tommi Leino / Majik 3D project manager namhas@majik.netti.fi http://majik.netti.fi

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