Re: Where do I go from here?

Subject: Re: Where do I go from here?
From: Jonathan Koehn (
Date: Sun Sep 19 1999 - 04:23:47 EEST

The sever address needs changed to  in the cofiguration file.
This should get you on =) good luck
Jonathan at ""
----- Original Message -----
From: Aaron Burdick <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, September 18, 1999 3:57 PM
Subject: Where do I go from here?

>      I came across your site while looking for MUDs at
> I'm very interested in the concept of the game and would be very happy to
> assist in evaluating what you have already. I have downloaded the file
> majik3d-M3 from your download page and extracted it to a folder.
> tried to run this very same file before and I got a black screen with the
> error Fatal Error: Could not receive data from host, connection closed?
> then a screen appears behind it which is also black with the menu commands
> Majik, Settings, and Exit. What do I do to make this work?
>                                         An interested MUDder,
>                                             Aaron
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