Torell pre-alpha

Subject: Torell pre-alpha
From: hook (
Date: Sat Aug 28 1999 - 09:55:10 EEST

I actually did not write this, Beregar did. Im putting it up so i can
print it on a different computer.  beregar asked me to work on it and i
find it easier to work with hard copy when editing. Anyway feel free to
read the text and contact me with any suggestions comments and



	1. Introduction
	2. Appearance
	   2.1 Clothing, Weapons & Armors
	3. Culture
	   3.1 Cities
	   3.2 Sea life
	   3.3 Food & Trade
	4. Religion
	5. Language
	6. <homeland>
	7. Roleplaying

1	Introduction

	This small human tribe is simply known as Torell's fisher people. These
people origin from 
	same ancestors as Thalamonians but when	most high-elves long ago left
their city in Sol'Da
	ran and travelled through human lands, currently known as kingdom of
Thalamon, in their 
	search for a new home, some humans told them about beautiful isles
raising from they gray
	ocean. When these same humans found that the elves lacked skill to
build their own ships,
	they offered to build ships and transport them to the isles. When the
elves no-longer nee
	ded their services these people decided to move to nearby Torell isle
instead of returning 
	back to continent, after that they have became known as Torell's fisher
people or shortly

	Torellians still have close connections to elves of Beheran. It's said
that when elves and 
	humans made their pact, one part of the pact was that humans would get
mates from some les
	ser elven tribe and this has left some elven characteristics in their
appearance. Sea life 
	has made Torellians more stronger and sturdier than average human
citizens but still they
	aren't exceptionally strong. They have weather-beaten tanned skin and
usually blond, white 
	or gray hair. Elven blood can be mostly seen in their bright green,
blue or gray eyes and
	in their graceful movement. Average height of male is 176 cm and of
female 165 cm.

	It's very hard nowadays say who is Torellian and who is not for many of
them have born far
	away from their home isle on the shadowy corner of ships or in upper
stairs of some marine
	tavern. However all Torellians are proud of their heritage and most of
them return to isle
	where they originate from. Those who live in the Isle of Torell are
commonly called Fisher 
	people because fishing is a common livelihood for them. Most Torellians
however	prefer to
	transport cargo and passangers, mostly between Eastern Isles and
Minartan but their ships
	can be found from anywhere providing one can sail to there. Their ships
are small, durable 
	and quick and can survive both in deep sea and in larger inland rivers.
Torellians claim 
	that they are the best sea farers in the world and truth is that they,
and their ships, of
	ten seem to have almost magical ability to survive from storms and in
areas where others 
	would perish. 

	Torellians don't need large cities because their are most time on sea -
They live in small
	wooden cities and villages in the coast of Torell. They are hotheaded
and easily angering
	people but generally as a tribe are peaceful people who see war either
as threat for their
	business or excellent opportunity for it. Though should need arise and
they can provide ex
	cellent navy - their small fast ships are easy to transform warships.
Torellians aren't in
	terrested in magic but they are fanatic wroshippers of sea gods and
often in their favour. 

2	Appearance

	Although Torellians are not exceptionally sturdy or strong, sea life
has made them general
	ly stronger and more muscular than normal citizens. They have
weather-beaten, dark tanned 
	skin. Their weather-beaten skin together with their blond, white or
gray hair often makes
	them look older than they actually are but bright blue, gray or green
eyes which are deep
	in the face seem to be ever young and a bit arrogant. Elven blood has
made their outlines
	more delicate and their appearance and movement more graceful than most
humans. Torellian
	sea farers don't spend much time on land however which makes their
movement a but clumber
	some. Torellians are seldom fat or unhealthy because of healthy sealife
though men can be
	quite sturdy and often wear beards. Women are more slender but stronger
than most human wo
	men usually keep their hair short. Average height of male is 176 cm and
weight 80 kg. Ave
	rage height of female is 165 cm and weight 60kg. 

2.1	Clothing, Weapons & Armors

	Torellians prefer practical and light clothes over heavier ones.
However, because weather
	is quite cold in torell and nearby seas these clothes must be also
warm. Common material 
	for clothes is (villa) which is (värjätä) with bright colors. Most
common clothes are trou
	sers, soft boots, sweater and cap which protects from the sun. In
warmer climate clothing
	is usually made of cotton and is loose. Also boots are not necessary in
warmer climate and
	most of them prefer moving barefoot. Torellians like very much gold and
silver items and 
	both male and female wear bangles, rings and earrings made from those

	Torellians prefer trade over war, at least if war has anything to do
with them, and do not
	have permanent navy. However, their ships are often filled with weapons
& armors which are
	simply cargo. They themselves prefer small short bladed weapons such as
shortswords or dag
	gers which are light weighting, easy to carry and quick to use. They
rarely use armors be
	cause they are traders but some of them offer mercenary services as
cargo guards and those
	usually prefer leather armors, as well as bows and more heavy blade

3	Culture

	Society of Torellians is quite (hajanainen) - on the other hand there
are those who inhabi
	tat the Torell isle and then there are those sea farers which may never
have seen the isle
	where they originate from. Common fact is that almost all Torellians
are either sea farers
	and traders or fishermen. Even those Torellians who have permanent
resident in the Torell 
	spend most of their time on sea fishing or handling local sea trade
between continent and
	the eastern isles. All those who have Torellian blood are considered
Torellians and becau
	se of this many sea farers and traders claim that they are Torellians
even if they are not
	but this doesn't cheat Torellians themselves for they always seem to
know whether someone
	has Torellian blood or not. 

	Because of sealife even "fisher people" do not need large fortified
cities and that is why
	their cities are usually made from wood. These cities tend to be
practical and simple but
	well built, practical because most Torellians don't want spend much
money to something whe
	re they don't spend much time and well built because there are many
skilled carpenters who
	work in the shipyard and also make houses. Sea farers don't have any
own laws, they follow 
	common trade rules and rules current area. Torellian fihermen don't
have laws either, only 
	rules which are quite loose.

	Torellians aren't very hostile people as a tribe but as a persons they
are somewhat irrita
	ting and they both anger easily and calm quickly. Torellian traders are
seen as a bit gree
	dy, or one could say that they know their value, but also honorable -
if they agree to de
	liver cargo somewhere they will do so even if it will cost them their
ship or life and the
	refor they are very careful with deals they make. Torellians are both
very proud and very
	sensitive about their reputation and should one of them raid other ship
and he or she will
	get all other Torellians in the area after him/her. 

	Torellians aren't very interrested in magic, scholarship or literature
though most of them
	can read and write - you can't make good contracts if you can't read
them. Although not in
	terrested in magic, they are fanatic worshippers of sea gods making
large and valuable sac
	rifices in their temples which is main reason why sea gods tend to
favour them. While they
	often seem to be carefree and even stupid they are actually fairly
clever and many of them 
	have very good business sense which generally makes them good traders. 

3.1	Cities

	Torellians have only few permanent cities in the isle of Torell for
most of them prefer li
	fe as traders and sea farers. Nearly all Torellians who decide to live
more stable life	as 
	fishermen, tavernkeepers and ship carpenters live in the Torell isle,
even those born far
	from the isle who have never seen the Torell or those who have chosen
to retire from trade
	life eventually return to Torell following some (tiedostamaton) need. 

	There are only two larger cities in the Torell and most Torellians who
have permanent resi
	dent live in those two cities. Cities are mostly built from wood
because there is very lit
	tle stone in the isle or people who know how to make stone buildings.
Even people who live 
	in the cities spend much time in the sea and generally spent much time
on land only in win
	ter when heavy winter storms make fshing difficult and dangerous.
Cities are not only inha
	bitated by humans but there are also fair amount of half-elves who have
permanent house in 
	the cities and have mostly same rights as other citizens.
	Because Torellians don't have any formal laws, they do not have any
formal justice either.
	Each city is lead by city council which concists of all inhabitants of
that city and which
	decides all punishments and accepts presentations. In theory, city
council sits once in a
	month, however to have "juridical" power council meeting must have at
least 30% of all ci
	tizens present and because meetings are free most people prefer not to
go there. It is ve
	ry common that some rich traders pay people to arrive in meeting and
also buy their votes
	to make sure that their presentation is accepted. If presentation gets
majority votes be
	hind it, it's accepted and even those who are not present must follow
it. Needless to say
	these presentations seldom deal with taxes. Furthermore city council is
more like a joke
	and in truth cities are ruled by rich people and Temples of Sea Gods
behind them.

	Temples, mostly through rich people, run cities, they respond from
(yllapito) (siistiminen)
	and such things. Torellian cities do not have schools, temples handle
basic teachings such
	as (kirjoitustaito, lukutaito) and (sen ohella) turn pupils to
worshippers of sea gods. Temp
	les are also only places which have open libraries (mostly religious
inscirptions) but the
	re are many rich traders who have large personal libraries filled with
exotic books which 
	they seldom read read.

	Most skills such as trade, shiphandling and fishing are learned on sea
but there are also 
	some professional folk in the isle who often take apprentices. Both
cities have large ship
	yards which built excellent ships for both Torellians and outsiders and
cities have merce
	nary guard service which offers cargo guards. There are also many
taverns which are filled
	with guides, navigators and other seamen. Cities have also many shops
which offer wide ran
	ge of goods and excotic foods and last but not least there are temples
and priests of sea
	gods. Together all these form city culture of Torellians.

3.2	Sea life

	Though all Torellians originate from the Isle of Torell, many of them
have born in sea or
	upstairs of some marine tavern far away from their homeland. Cities are
resting spots for
	most Torellians, safe havens from the storms that sea gods raise. They
are also supply de
	pots from where they can buy food and hire new crew for their ships.
Many Torellians have
	born on sea, lived on sea and died on sea. Children learn art of trade
and seafaring toget
	her with reading and writing from parents, seamen and passengers. 

	Torellian sea farers are honorable people who respect trade pacts and
sea laws. Of all Sea
	farers Torellians practice less raiding of other ships and other
piratism. This does not
	mean that they don't, from time to time, slip unchecked cargo to some
unnamed haven. These
	people tend to be even more fanatical worshippers of sea gods than
those who have more per
	manent settlements in the isle. 

	It is common fact that most Torellian ships have captain who has
Torellian ancestors. They
	are very 

	As mentioned earlier, Torellians are not warriors but this doesn't mean
that they are inca
	baple with weapons. Even if they don't have military training they use
their weapons quite
	well and what they lack in melee combat, they win in ship battle. Their
small ships are ve
	ry fast, surprisingly durable and easy to arm with small catapults or
ballista. In sea bat
	le they often easily evade both shots from larger ships and the ships
itself and at closer 
	range fill those ships with burning quarrels from their ballista.

3.3	Food & Trade

	Torellians are excellent sea traders and their

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