Re: Suggest Birth System in Majik

Subject: Re: Suggest Birth System in Majik
From: Sinister (
Date: Mon Jan 15 2001 - 16:31:56 EET

Tommi Leino wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Jan 2001, Joshua Corning wrote:
> > As to a birthing system I have my critisissms perhaps the characters
> > already exist in majik but as pessents or just NPC's and a player just
> > takes possetion of them?
> Good that way. I hate if we're to create new characters out of nothing
> or accelerate their aging process.

Agreed. I think I included this feature in my idea for birth system
where PC's would start as unexperienced teenagers or young adults and
their parents could be other, exeperienced PC's which could then teach
their "PC children" about cultures, religions, races, monsters of the
world etc.

Older & experienced PC's do NOT have to be their actual biological
parents but adoptive parents or foster fathers and mothers or whatever
that fits the idea.

 - Sinister the Serpent -
These are the End Times. The Apocalypse. Götterdammerung.
Ragnarok. The Void. Endsong. King of Battles. Jutenborg.
The Great Conflagration. The Death of Stars. How many
names to tell of this warring end? To tell of this
violent time when Time itself is smashed asunder?

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