
Subject: bugs
From: Nathan Smart (smarts@liv.auracom.com)
Date: Wed Jul 21 1999 - 02:12:00 EEST

Hi, usually I don't pester developers with bug reports they probably already
know about, but this looks like a wicked game, so I thought I'd put in my
two cents worth. I'm I'm running a PIII 450 with 128 M of RAM, the image
quality is great (about 25 fps), but I can't move, I get "Unsupported
Special Key received: 101 at (353, 277)" no matter what I press (yes I did
check the controls in the readme). Also I noticed that when I press ok in
the about box, the porgram crashes. Next to the whole not being able to do
anything part, the game looks awsome, I'm looking forward to the next
									Nathan Smart

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