Subject: Re: A few comments
From: Kevan Benson (
Date: Sat Feb 12 2000 - 01:03:40 EET
It does seem delayed, but I can see why by reading the development mailing list on the web site. It seems (to me at least) the next release will be a monster of a jump. I just can't waith to get my hands on it. You guys are doing a great job. Wouldn't mind volunteering my own skills a little down the road (that is, ahem, when I am better at coding) if you would have them. -Kevan On Fri, 11 Feb 2000, Maciek Baranowski wrote: > > First of all I have to say that you are doing a great job! Thanks! > But on the over side, the project seems to be quite delayed. I know that I'm probably expecting too much, it's not a commercial project after all (and thank you for that!), but what about those lofty phrases like the one which follows: "It will take only a few months before the first valiant heroes roam the young world" :-) > The game engine is in early developement, and what about all the artwork (models, textures and other stuff), detailed world description etc. > Isn't there a way to speed it all up? Well, probably there isn't, but still it was worth writing this letter - perhaps it will add some life to the mailing list (but doubt it...). > > Despite all, I will still be waiting. > And hopefully, some day, I will finally play Majik... > > Mac > > >
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