Re: Mesa probs...

Subject: Re: Mesa probs...
From: Rob Pryor (
Date: Wed Jan 12 2000 - 19:08:18 EET

I had that problem a few times.  Been so long I don't remember how to fix
it.  You might want to check to make sure your /etc/ has all the
library paths in it.  RedHat seems to not like putting more then one or two
in there (When there is generally 5 or 6 important ones) .  After that, run
ldconfig, or reboot.  See if it finds the libraries.  Another thing to try,
is make symbolic links to where it's looking for the file.  That's another
pretty easy way.

Charlie was a chemist, but Charlie is no more,
what Charlie thought was H2O, was H2SO4

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevan Benson" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2000 8:41 PM
Subject: Mesa probs...

> I tried using the linux binary, but it keeps complaining about not finding
a shared library.  They problem is, when
> using an RPM of Mesa (and Mesa devel, and demos, and glit, and glut
devel), one or another file is missing that is
> required.  when using the Redhat 6.0 RPMs (Mesa 3.0), is
missing.  When I use the Freshmeat RPMs (Mesa 3.1)
> is missing.  Whe looking at the file lists of each RPM, I
see that they each name the libraries
> differently, resulting in this error.  Just wondering if anyone else has
encountered this and if they have a solution
> (compile Mesa?).  Don't want to compile if I don't have to, like the easy
file management of RPM.
> -Kevan Benson

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