Re: some Q's

Subject: Re: some Q's
From: Beregar (
Date: Mon Jul 19 1999 - 14:07:28 EEST

> I hope it too. Question of the day: what would make this list more active?
> Would you people prefer a bulletin board on the web pages?

I think a bulletin board is a good idea, it is always more demanding to write
mails than write a message on board. If we choose to place a bulletin board
in our web page there must be some rules, I'd hate see it change dating/chat
ting place where unappropriate messages take the place of all useful ones.
There are too much examples of such situations. IF we place that board in
our webpage I'd also suggest we encourage its users to have creative nick
names so later on in game they wouldn't use bad names only because peop
le have learned to know them with these names.

- Beregar (

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