Help with Majik

Subject: Help with Majik
From: Jeff Fuller (
Date: Tue May 01 2001 - 18:49:12 EEST

Hi My name is jeff. I am a software developer by trade. 
Though I write commercial apps not graphics  oriented games.
I am skilled in Visual C++, Visual Basic,  and HTML. 
My linux knowledge is fair, programing it is medicore.
But I am a programmer and OS is ussually no that imnportant.

That said. I would like to help out on the team if you'd have me.
I am a RPGer from way back in the early 80's. D&D, Traveller, GURPS,
I'm also a EQ junkie.
I love to program and I've always wanted to explore putting together the
exact game your working on and would love to help out.


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