Interested in Helping Out

Subject: Interested in Helping Out
From: Jerry Levasseur (
Date: Mon Oct 30 2000 - 01:59:23 EET

Dear Majik 3D Designers,

Your Majik 3D project caught my eye because it seems to go beyond the
typical MMRPG currently available.  I played several on-line RPG's,
including the usual Diablo, The Realm and EverQuest.  While I had a lot of
fun in all of those games, eventually they become pointless.  Your project
seems to have many ideas that may give it more life.

Of course, my next idea is how could I contribute to such a totally
volunteer project?  I guess the best way to find out is to let you know my
skills and see if it would be worthwhile.  I also keep my vita at

Artistic: I have no artistic skills as far as drawing things on paper.  

Programming: I know a few older languages and some specialized languages
for discrete-event simulation, but would not even come close to be able to
help out as a developer.  However, if any of your tools required a small
amount of programming I may be able to learn it if the language is
documented.  I do not know UNIX or any of its variations.

Computers in General: I can normally figure out how to learn new computer
software packages.  

Games: I have been playing computer games since I bought a TI-994A in 1983.
 I am sure I would be able to help with testing and bug reporting,
especially later in the project.  Like most people, I have a lot of
opinions on how games could be better (but I suspect you have a lot of that

Writing: I am a good writer, though in English only.  I have written many
technical papers, software manuals, and the like.  I could also write
fiction and editorials.  I have done extensive "proofing" of documentation
written by non-native English speakers.

I see you have a need for "World Designers".  I am not exactly sure what is
involved in this, but it sounds fun.  Would it be possible to get the tool
you are using to see if I can learn it?  

I currently have a PII-450, 128 mb, TnT Windows 98 system with a 56K modem.
 I should be getting DSL in a month or two, and will upgrade my entire
system as soon as there is a need to.

I look forward to hearing from you soon, and good luck on the project.

-- Jerry
Jerry Levasseur, Ph. D.

16450 Heather Lane #301
Middleburg Hts., OH 44130
(440) 243-9458

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