Fresh - Over 15 Million U.S. E-Mail Addresses

Subject: Fresh - Over 15 Million U.S. E-Mail Addresses
Date: Tue Aug 22 2000 - 19:35:31 EEST

 _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/

S P E C I A L   R E P O R T -  

          How To Reach Hundreds Of Prospects Every Month
_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
Our research has found that many people have tried one or more of
the following...
    Free Classifieds? (Don't work anymore)
    Web Site? (Takes thousands of visitors)
    Banners? (Expensive and losing their punch)
    E-Zine? (Hope they have a *huge* subscriber list)
    Search Engines? (Forget it, unless you're in the top 20)
         S O   W H A T   W I L L   W O R K ? 

Although often misunderstood, there is one method that has proven
to succeed time-after-time.

         E - M A I L   M A R K E T I N G ! !

IT'S A FACT... It if you're not using your computer to generate
income,  GOOD income,  you're leaving money on the table.  

Here's what the experts have to say about E-Mail Marketing:

"E-mail is an incredible lead generation tool"
-Crains Magazine

"A gold mine for those who can take advantage of
bulk e-mail programs" - The New York Times

"Blows away traditional Mailing" - Advertising Age

Here's an example of your potential earnings if you have a
product or service that brings you a profit of around $30.
Remember, on the Internet, you can make money 7 days a week, 24
hours a day... even while you sleep, orders come from all over
the world!  

Per Day    Weekly      Monthly      Yearly

   1       $  210      $   840      $ 10,080
   2          420        1,680        20,160
   3          630        2,520        30,240
   5        1,050        4,200        50,400
  10        2,100        8,400       100,000
  15        3,150       12,600       151,200

THE QUESTION IS... how do you generate those orders?

The least expensive and fastest way is through E-Mail Marketing.

          M I L L I O N S   V O L U M E   12

***New Just Released - and now, 15 Million addresses***

We have just increased our list size from 10-million to
15-million without a corresponding increase in price! 

          M I L L I O N S   V O L U M E   12
Over the past 6 years, we have gained a reputation for having the
cleanest, most responsive e-mail address lists in the industry.
No one has gone to the work it takes to produce an e-mail address
list of this quality.

Here's how we prepare our e-mail lists:

1. We clean and eliminate all duplicates. 

2. Next, we use a filter list of 400+ words/phrases to clean even
more. No address with inappropriate or profane wording survives!

3. Then we use our private database of thousands of known
Internet "extremists", those opposed to any kind of commercial
e-mail, and kicked off every one we could find.

4. All domains were verified to insure they're valid.

5. And finally, we sorted the list into easy-to-manage packets of
20,000 addresses in simple text (.txt) format that will work with
any computer operating system. 


	M I L L I O N S   V O L U M E   12
          15 Million Addresses Strong!
With this super clean e-mail address lists you'll send less...and
get better results... 
    * Y O U   G E T   W H A T   Y O U   P A Y   F O R *
Our FRESH 15 Million, Volume 12 Address List CD, will result in:
* Higher Response Rates
* Higher Sales Conversion Ratios
* More Receptive prospects; Less Flames & Non-Buyers.
* Less Contact With Anti-Commerce Radicals & Extremists.
Remember that potential income chart at the beginning of
this message? Can you imagine the kind of money you could
make if you mailed one million pieces and sold only one
tenth (.01%) of one percent?  You do the math, you'll be
This is not a rental list that is restricted to a one-time
mailing.  You are purchasing an e-mail address list for your own
personal mailings and may use it over-and-over.

DON'T HESITATE on this offer or you will miss out on the least
expensive, most effective way to market... PERIOD!

_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
	F  R  E  E    B  O  N  U  S  E  S  

Order within 96 hours and we'll include the following FREE
Bonuses... we call this our "BUSINESS STARTER" bonus.

1. To help you get started we include basic proven Professional
Mailing Software (PC Only).  This software has sold for as high
as $399.00 in the past.  Not a demo, but a full working version.
SUPPORT, however set-up instructions and help files are included.

2. Every survey has always indicated that the most profitable
product to sell on the Internet is INFORMATION! 

Our "BUSINESS STARTER" bonus gives you 650 reports/manuals/books
that are yours to use and sell.  With these "Special Reports" you
may instantly start your "Information Product" business... plus a
sample SALES LETTER is included to help you GET STARTED FAST!

3. "THE BULK E-MAIL SURVIVAL GUIDE"  A manual/guide that
addresses the Bulk E-Mail business.  Especially useful for
beginners.  "THE BULK E-MAIL SURVIVAL GUIDE" will answer
many of your questions and concerns about Bulk E-Mail.  An
exclusive for our customers... INCLUDED FREE.

4. "LISTMATE" - This is the software the Pro's use to manage
their mailing lists.  We've included two versions, both are
fully functional demo's, the only limit is the file size.

5. "SCIENTIFIC ADVERTISING"!  This is the book that is
responsible for untold millions of dollars in sales and
profits.  Many of today's Internet "gurus" have used this
powerful book as the foundation for marketing courses that
they have written and sold for as much as $495. Marketeer's
that have studied this book have been so deeply inspired,
that it has changed their entire way of doing business, and
they've gone on to make fortunes -- it's yours FREE with
your order!

This "BUSINESS STARTER" bonus is yours absolutely FREE if you
order within the next 96 hours --- After that... 

Poof!... it's gone!

***SPECIAL BONUS***  Order Now and receive an additional 503,088
e-mail addresses as a prompt ordering bonus... that's a total of:
15,503,088 addresses.  Order Now!

_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/

D O N ' T   H E S I T A T E  E-Marketing is the most
effective and fastest way to market anywhere... PERIOD!

O R D E R   N O W . . . SAME DAY SERVICE (M-F) if your order
is received before 2pm Pacific.  24hour fax service, just fax 
to: 1-530-504-5247 or if busy 1-612-632-5008

To order, via credit card simply cut/paste and print out the
EZ ORDER FORM below and fax to our office today.

	***** MILLIONS CD - Volume 12 *****

     	***** NOW ONLY $247! *****

This "Special Price" is in effect for the next 96 hours,
after that we go back to our regular price of $299.00 ...
Don't delay... you can be in business tomorrow!  

We accept Visa, Mastercard, Amex and Checks by Fax.
Fax your order to: 1-530-504-5247 or if busy 1-612-632-5008

----------------------Cut & Paste----------------------
---------------------EZ Order Form---------------------
_____Yes! I want everything!  I am ordering within 96 hours.
Include my FREE "Business On A CD" bonus along with the 15
Million Vol.12 E-Mail address CD (plus 503,088 bonus addresses)
for the special price of only $247.00 + one of the shipping
options I have indicated below.

_____Oop's I missed the 96 hour "special".  I am ordering Vol.12
at the regular price of $299.00 + shipping.

____I would like to receive my package FedEx OVERNIGHT. I am
including $15 for shipping. (Hawaii & Alaska $20 - Canada $25,
all other International add an *additional* $25 [$40 total] for
____I would like to receive my package FedEx 2nd Day delivery.
I'm including $10 for shipping. (***Sorry FedEx 2nd Day is NOT
AVAILABLE for shipments to Alaska, Hawaii, Canada or any
International destination - Continental U.S. shipping
addresses only***).

		***Please Print Carefully***

NOTE:  Orders cannot be shipped without complete information
including your signature.  No exceptions!


COMPANY NAME____________________________________________

(FedEx can only ship to street addresses - no P.O. boxes)




ZIP/POSTAL CODE_____________________________
PHONE NUMBER________________________________
(required for shipping & tracking) 

EMAIL ADDRESS___________________________________________
(Print Very Carefully With Block Letters - our ability to read
your e-mail address is critical.  We will be sending you
instructions on where to download your bonus items... if we
cannot read your writing, we're both stuck!!! 

______VISA _____MASTERCARD _____AMEX
CREDIT CARD# __________________________________________
EXPIRATION DATE________________________________________
NAME ON CARD___________________________________________
TOTAL AMOUNT (Including Shipping): $___________________


(Required) SIGNATURE:x_________________________________
I understand that I am purchasing the Millions Vol.12 E-Mail
Address List on a CD, the addresses are not rented, but are mine
to use for my own mailing, over-and-over.  Free bonuses are
included, but cannot be considered part of the financial
transaction.  I understand that it is my responsibility to comply
with any laws applicable to my local area.  As with all software,
once opened the CD may not be returned, however, if found
defective it will be replaced with like product at no charge.

You may fax your order to us at: 1-530-504-5247 or if busy

Please Note:  Sorry, we can only accept checks drawn on U.S.

If you would like to fax a check, tape your check below and
fax it to our office along with the EZ Order Form to:
1-530-504-5247 or if busy 1-612-632-5008


FAX IT TO US AT 1-530-504-5247 or if busy 1-612-632-5008
If You fax a check, there is no need for you to mail the
original.  We will prepare a one-time draft, with the exact
information on your original check.  All checks will be held for
bank clearance (14 business days).  Make payable to:

All REMOVE requests are AUTOMATICALLY honored upon receipt.

PLEASE understand that any effort to disrupt, close or block this
REMOVE account can only result in difficulties for others wanting
to be removed from our mailing list.

This archive was generated by hypermail 2b25 : Tue Feb 12 2002 - 00:03:54 EET