Subject: Needs for a developer?
Date: Mon Aug 14 2000 - 16:42:35 EEST
---------------------- Forwarded by Matti Saerkisilta Prisma/EDINFOR on 08/14/2000 02:42 PM --------------------------- Matti Saerkisilta Prisma 08/14/2000 02:40 PM To: cc: Fax to: Subject: Needs for a developer? Greetings, I'm a finnish perl hacker, also a fanatic BatMUD addict (nick drifter). I was just wondering if You'd need a programmer like me joining the project, if it's still going on. Please feel free to contact me for any questions, here are my emails, inn addition to the one supplied: email2: email3: please also cc: / bcc: any mails to me throught theyse addresses, Best regards, Matti Särkisilta
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