bug report or is it just me?

Subject: bug report or is it just me?
Date: Tue Jul 25 2000 - 17:30:07 EEST


I just downloaded your 0.4 version off of your website and tried running it 
(win98).  In the DOS popup screen it says:

Reading configuration from: Magik3d.ini
Illegal Mode Passed to ssgSimpleSlate::disable(2912)

And then a program window pops up with the 2 pulldown menus and a little grey 
box in the corner that seems to be flashing random numbers 1-100.  Beyond 
that nothing else happens.  I'm very intereseted in seeing what you have 
completed.  I hope this "helps" and if you need anymore information regarding 
my error I'd be glad to supply.  Thanks, and please reply.



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