Need Information!

Subject: Need Information!
From: Alexis Milette (
Date: Wed Jun 28 2000 - 05:04:06 EEST


        My name is Alexis. I am only 14 years old, I've done a little bit of programming on mIRC, on Delphi 4 and on TurboPascal. I did'nt enter too much in each of those kinds of programmations. I've heard about programming on Linux. And soon, I'll have Linux Debian 2.1 or Linux Mandrake 7.1 installed. This is why I send you this e-mail. I you have the time to do so, I would like to receive information on linux programmation, title of interresting book on linux, good links, good magazine or whatelse would help me to start on Linux. I know that programming on linux won't be done in one day, but I need to start somewhere. This is why I send you this e-mail. Thanx you in advance of any help you could give me. I does think that your project seem wonderful and I hope that your roleplaying game will be finish soon! 



P.S: Scuse me for my poor english, my language is the french and I am a Quebecker (in the Canada, the province of Quebec). I have difficulties to speak english, but I can't understand it easily.

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