language system

Subject: language system
From: RJ Rydzinski, III (
Date: Wed Jun 21 2000 - 23:13:52 EEST

I found your site today and i think the game looks like it will be
wonderful, i was reading in the features about the language system...
would it be possible to code into the game a skill level in languages..
for example and elf would not understnad an orc... but could it be coded
so that the elf could study orc language, and dependent on how much he
studied and his intelligence level it would be more understandable...
for example... your Hello World example.. sounded like 'Frrzag Wgold'
... upon study it could eventually become more like 'Frrazo World' and
then finally 'Hello World' ... do you understand what i mean?  it could
possibly be too much of a difficult thing to emulate inside the game
though.... lemme know what you think...

RJ Rydzinski, III

'One Ping to rule them all.  One Ping to find them.
 One Ping to bring them all.  And in the darkness bind them.'

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