About Majik

Subject: About Majik
From: Benny K.Y. Li (bennyli@cory.eecs.berkeley.edu)
Date: Mon Jun 19 2000 - 23:11:48 EEST

hi everyone,

    I have just seen your web site and learned about the idea of Majik. First of all, I think this is a wonderful and funny idea. I understood that you must have put incredible effort in making the system so far.
    Now, for all you guys have done, I'm sure you all would love to see your software become popular. Here's a chance that I and my friends can help.
    We are a few computer engineering students who are looking at the possibilities of creating a new wave of internet popularity. We think that your software is an excellent candidate of doing this.

    I wonder, if all of you will agree that we start researching into the commercial opportunities of Majik. We ask of this because we believe that the capabilities of Majik is not bounded to just a gaming environment. 
    My group and I are looking forward to your kindful reply. Thank you and good luck.

Benny Li

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