Re: Unidentified subject!

Subject: Re: Unidentified subject!
From: Tommi Leino (
Date: Tue Jul 13 1999 - 18:23:57 EEST

Dmitry Derevyanko wrote:
> I don't currently have any extra time to contribute to Majik. But instead,
> I would like to discuss/share some ideas on overall engine design, as well
> as some game play issues.  I would like to know more about your combat
> system, and related latency problems.
> Im not sure if this can be done better via a mailing list or personal
> mail.

On every Wednesday 18:00 GMT we're having irc session at 6667
channel #majik, I think that would be the best place to discuss ideas. We
don't actually have suitable mailing list for the subject and personal mail
is always to be avoided.

Tommi Leino / Majik 3D project

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