Top Mud Sites on the Web

Subject: Top Mud Sites on the Web
From: Adam Maysonet (
Date: Mon Apr 24 2000 - 07:59:50 EEST

I noticed you admin a mud. I run a site called the Top Mud Sites which is 
for anyone who has a web page about muds/mushs/mucks/moos/etc. You submit 
your site to the list and people can vote on it by clicking on a vote 
button you put on your site. The top voted sites are on top of the list, 
which means more publicity for your site. I reset the votes every 15 days, 
so everyone has a fair chance of promoting their mud page. And even if you 
aren't interested in joining the voting section, all the muds are databased 
and a list is kept, so someone searching for a specific mud might find yours.

This site is only about 2 weeks old and I've already gotten more than 200 
sign-ups. Plus, the search engines will have registered the site soon and 
my advertising campaign for it will have taken effect, so there will be A 
LOT of traffic going to it (there already is - over 2500 hits a day and 
growing). It's totally free, and I run it simply out of my love for muds.

I also have a forum on my site. If you'd like a section on the forum 
devoted to your site, email me once your on the list and I'll do it 
immediately. Having a section for your mud on the forum is a GREAT way to 
get votes, because your players will have to vote for your page to get to 
the forum, and the way forums are, players will be visiting it all day. And 
if you have an article you'd like to submit, I just opened a section for 
that purpose.

The Top Mud Sites List will eventually become a central place for mud 
players to go and share ideas.

If you're interested, the address is and there 
you can sign up to be on the list.

Thanks for your time.

Surf the Web?
Get Paid for It!

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