
Subject: Help
From: mikro (
Date: Tue Mar 28 2000 - 23:11:39 EEST

To whom ever,
	Sorry to email you with such a request, yet I am still unable to get
majik3d 4 up and running with opengl support.  Is there a doc or howto on this?
 From what I can tell, I have Mesa 3.1 compiled with gl and I have Voodoo 2
with the driver installed all under linux. (2.53 Glide Lib, 2 Voodoo2 in SLI,
with drivers)  The demo programs with Mesa run fine, I guess I just dont know
how to set majik3d up to do fullscreen opengl using Mesa.  By the way, I am
interested in helping out the on the dev team.  I have 8+ years with RPG's, 3+
year's with programming (little c and c++, mostly assembly (x86)) and graphic
design.  Let me know if i can help out.  I also can be a good beta tester! ;)

Thanks in advance,
Doug Miller

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