Bug report for Majik 0.4.0

Subject: Bug report for Majik 0.4.0
From: Marcus Lauer (melauer@students.wisc.edu)
Date: Thu Mar 09 2000 - 20:19:55 EET

        I just tried out the pre-compiled Linux version of Majik 0.4.0.  It
does basically seem to work.  I was able to connect to the server and move
around a bit.  The first time I started the client, it crashed for reasons
unknown.  The second time, the client did work, although I got this message:

Illegal mode passed to ssgSimpleState::disable(2912)

        Moving around was slow (My system is a K6-2 333 with a Matrox G200). 
Although I did use the numeric keypad to move around, and numlock was lit, I
still got several "Unsupported key received" errors:

WARNING: Unsupported key received: 53 at (107,196)
WARNING: Unsupported key received: 53 at (107,196)
WARNING: Unsupported key received: 53 at (107,196)
WARNING: Unsupported key received: 53 at (149,173)
WARNING: Unsupported key received: 53 at (149,173)
WARNING: Unsupported key received: 53 at (150,604)

        I also noticed that in my case, the startup third-person perspective
did not grab the mouse (makes sense, as this is the default in the config
file), but when I switched to first-person, the mouse became grabbed.


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