Re: majik/3d

Subject: Re: majik/3d
From: Jari P Saukkonen (jsaukkon@cs.Helsinki.FI)
Date: Sat Feb 19 2000 - 22:25:41 EET

On Fri, 18 Feb 2000, Greg Brubaker wrote:

> My problem is... As much as i try, I can not properly picture a solution of
> Implementing 3d graphics.  I was hoping to create my own sort of simple
> solution to start with so that i could have a better understanding of it. 
> My general problems is in the theory and where to start with.  I hear that
> quake and heretic have released their scource code...  but i want to start
> small... if you know of a place to redirect my inquerys or can help me on
> the general THEORY of it all then i would be greatly helped.  I am
> interested in all possibilities even non-polygon methods...  I kind of
> wanted to Create a world ( matrix of colors) and then knowing my position of
> screen, trace each pixel untill it hits a color and then draw that to
> screen.  only as i thought about it i only found myself with a head ache.

If you are new to (realtime) 3D graphics I'd recommend learning OpenGL,
which is quite straightforward to learn, with GLUT. GLUT is a portable
library that takes care of all system-dependent things (creating a window
etc) so you don't need to bother yourself.

The OpenGL programming guide -book is freely available from
and is fairly good introduction to OpenGL.

Of course, if you are more into raytracing etc there is much material
available in many computer graphics books.


Jari Saukkonen + | Coral
programming, music, keyboards, web, demos,  b5 | Nah-kolor
dazzt @ Majik3D RPG | Majik

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