
Subject: majik/3d
From: Greg Brubaker (
Date: Sat Feb 19 2000 - 04:06:31 EET

I tried out Majik and it seemed to run quite fine.  I'm not going to pick on
anyting that was obviously done on purpose and temporarily ( bobing up and
down of guy when he walks)...

I write to you less about Majik itself ( you guys are way past myself with
such things)... however, i do ask a big favor.  I am a highschool student (
18) and highly a novice to MS VC++.  I have programed a tetris game in
Pascal ( a 1985 version of the Borland Compiler < figured you guys might
feal the simpathy :) )
And I have programed a "get the treasure, dont hit the bomb" 2d game in
Windows GUI ( however now fully able to put it into DirectDraw... and at a
huge performance gain...).

My problem is... As much as i try, I can not properly picture a solution of
Implementing 3d graphics.  I was hoping to create my own sort of simple
solution to start with so that i could have a better understanding of it. 
My general problems is in the theory and where to start with.  I hear that
quake and heretic have released their scource code...  but i want to start
small... if you know of a place to redirect my inquerys or can help me on
the general THEORY of it all then i would be greatly helped.  I am
interested in all possibilities even non-polygon methods...  I kind of
wanted to Create a world ( matrix of colors) and then knowing my position of
screen, trace each pixel untill it hits a color and then draw that to
screen.  only as i thought about it i only found myself with a head ache.

I am sure that what ever i do will be stuck running in Windows... but hey, I
really dont care right now... ( I'd love to program in linux... but one OS
at a time...)

-thank you for your time even if you have no means of helping me
Greg Brubaker

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