Majik3D for Mac

Subject: Majik3D for Mac
From: Ben Taggart (
Date: Fri Feb 04 2000 - 23:29:32 EET

I don't know if you have anyone currently working on a MacOS port, but I
have it about done.  I've got everything compiling except for the Socket
class.  This will have to be rewritten for Mac.  Hopefully I will have that
done soon.

For future reference (in case someone else takes this over), plib sound does
not compile on MacOS.  So if you start using plib sound, that will need to
become an issue for Mac.

Is there a server to connect to once I get this thing up and running?  Or is
this currently a standalone client?


Ben Taggart.

PS.  As soon as I get the code ported to Mac, I'll send it back to you with
a list of everything I did to make it work.

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