Re: Development

Subject: Re: Development
From: Jari P Saukkonen (jsaukkon@cs.Helsinki.FI)
Date: Fri Feb 04 2000 - 00:08:29 EET

On Wed, 2 Feb 2000, Chris Motch wrote:

> I am a big fan of Majik 3d, when I first heard about it I thought it was a 
> great idea, especally as it would be free for use etc.  The concept i
> think is great.  I would love to contribute to the project as a
> developer, although I'm not sure how possible that would be.  My main
> focus is in Windows, although I do have linux development experience
> (not very much).  Anyway I just want to offer my services, maybe to work
> on the windows client.

Currently we are doing final polishing for 0.4.0. There have been quite
extensive changes since last releases (0.3.1 and 0.4.0pre) so if you want
to start hacking around with the source, I'd first wait for 0.4.0, which
should be quite stable base for further development.

++ dazzt

Jari Saukkonen + | Coral
programming, music, keyboards, web, demos,  b5 | Nah-kolor
dazzt @ Majik3D RPG | Majik

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