European residents: European NetAccess

Subject: European residents: European NetAccess
From: nktacse (
Date: Mon Dec 27 1999 - 20:30:25 EET

Denmark, Sweeden, Finland and Norway residents....

We are currently offering at no charge and for a limited time
free access to the European NetAccess Newletter. This lets you
to receive headline news and information through your computer.
Topics include business, financial headlines, stock-market,
sporting events, current local news and much more....
at no charge and for a limited time.

Now being offered to residents of
Denmark, Sweeden, Finland and Norway....

If you do not enjoy the benefits of the newsletter you can
unsubscribe at any time, no obligation.

You have nothing to lose by receiving European NetAccess
at no charge or obligation, so give it a try !

To receive European NetAccess, just forward a copy of this
letter or send an email to

Thank you and A happy new year to you!

From: wee70

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