Update Current Cureer Data

Subject: Update Current Cureer Data
Date: Wed Jun 09 1999 - 06:25:55 EEST

Dear Candidate,

You were recently appointed a candidate for inclusion in the 1999-2000 Lexington Who's Who Registries. Appointment by invitation only. 

We are pleased to inform you that on June 5, your candidacy was accepted. Before your inclusion is confirmed for the special millennium edition of the Lexington Who's Who Registry, we need you to update your current career data. The following webpage has been setup for your convenience.

As the individuals included are accomplished business leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals in virtually every industry and profession, the office of the Managing Director evaluates candidates in keeping with high standards of individual achievement. 

The Lexington Who's Who Registry is an interesting compilation of exceptional people with their profiles in a special Millennium print edition plus the searchable Registry on the Internet.

We look forward to your inclusion in the Lexington Who's Who Directory. Best wishes for your continued success. 



Christina Baxter


P.S . There's never a cost to update your profile. For accuracy purposes, please visit the following website and complete the form at your earliest opportunity. If our editors need additional information pertaining to your career position, you will be contacted prior to publication. 

For Information on having your name permanently removed from future mailings and free listing in the exclusive Lexington Who's Who Registry the following website has also been set up for your convenience

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