Need any help?

Subject: Need any help?
Date: Wed Dec 08 1999 - 21:23:11 EET

I found my way to your website through Tucows, and I am duly impressed.  It has
always been my life's ambition to help develop video games, and Majik sounds
like one that I would enjoy working on.  I showed your site to several of my
coworkers who are admitted EverQuest junkies, and they were interested as well.
It will probably be after January before I can offer much help, but I am
familiar with C/C++, and some basic graphics principles.  I'm sure there would
be a learning curve involved, but I'm willing to help you guys on your project
if you'll let me.  Also, I do have some studio art training as well as a little
experience with 3DstudioMAX (stress on 'little').  I'm willing to work on just
about any aspect, although networking is one of my weak points.  My coworkers,
whom I mentioned, are stronger in this area.  Anyway, let me know if you think
there is anything I can do to help, and I'll keep my friends informed.  They'll
probably contact you soon.

Chris Nash

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