Bug in Linux Ver

Subject: Bug in Linux Ver
From: David Elias Villarroel (devillar@engsoc.carleton.ca)
Date: Fri Nov 12 1999 - 02:16:03 EET

ok i have found something that was not in the faq. I am running Mandrake 6.0, i
complied the majik source code, and i have all the libraries required. i start
majik and it connects and opens.  I type in my character name and hit enter.
The window goes black and then the whole program shuts down. there is a warning
that comes up! 
WARNING: Unsupported key received: 13 at (34,9) Segmentation fault

Now the coordinates change everytime i try running it. I have num-lock on too!

So that is it! 

Dave "Zepa" Villarroel

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