Your questions...

Subject: Your questions...
From: Atte Koivula (
Date: Thu Nov 11 1999 - 09:24:57 EET

>I recently came accross your game from Freshmeat... and I have to say it
>look good!  My roomates just started getting into Everquest. No linux
>version :-(   Your game looks liek the closest thing to Everquest, even
>better in some respects.

Well we have a considerably different approach than EverQuest, we don't
even try to be a free replacement for any commercial CRPG. Majik strives
to be more of a pure roleplaying environment instead of a
pseudo-hack'n'slash RPG like nearly everything else.  

>Lastly, when do you think building and structions will be enabled?  What
>about a method of communicating with other players?

Building and structions will be enabled as soon as possible. They are our
next main goals if natural formations such as trees, rivers and mountains
are included. It is hard to say exactly when, but we are hoping and
working hard to have something usable around y2k.

If by communicating with other players you mean a chance of talking
without being in sight (ie. MUD-like tells) or collective discussion
(MUD-like channels or IRC), then the answer is a big: Never. Majik3D will
only have means of discussing within sight and MAYBE shouting within a
reasonable aural proximity, but that's it unless you use magic. It is just
a lot more realistic that way and restricts the idlers out once and for
all along with solving a number of gameplay problems. By solving gameplay
problems I mean the following:

- Should magical knowledge and quest information be too easily
attainable, it would nullify the efforts of the players who really like a
challenge and actually want to find out things. Spreading information from
player A to player B to player C with an easy and straightforward way
would have the rest of the world know every game secret within 5 minutes,
it is our will to encourage roleplaying in the sense that everyone has to
actually play the game.
- There is the problem of an orcish player chatting with an elven
player, we would need to construct a system to cope with the language
differences which would be extremely stupid in something like tells that
can be validated as a form of ESP.
- There is the problem of chatters that is common in almost every CRPG
that I can think of. They would just be there draining the actual players'
bandwidth and processor time while having a conversation about "Who's the
most sexy of the Spice Girls" which would be a revolting waste of energy
and misuse of our resources.

There are other problems but I would do a lot better by directing you to
our features-page which briefly discusses most of our unique ideas. Go to

Evil God -draped in shadows- over and out,

/Atte "Yorkaturr" Koivula <>

True darkness is not the absence of light. 

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