Re: Majik 3D

Subject: Re: Majik 3D
From: Tommi Leino (
Date: Wed Nov 10 1999 - 11:30:20 EET

On Wed, 10 Nov 1999, Ivo wrote:

> Also, I'm wondering if Majik 3D will be able to run contendly on slower
> computers with no hardware-accelerated graphics cards. Of course this
> would mean visuals of lesser quality, but as long as this makes the game
> playable I would be very happy, at least until I have the money to buy
> better hardware ;)

Yes, we try to make the detail level as configurable as possible, so you 
can disable quite everything and thus it could run on slower hardware,
but do not expect it to run on a 486, if you aren't ready to switch to the
lowest level of detail: telnet 4000. :>

Tommi Leino / Majik 3D project

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