I would like to help

Subject: I would like to help
From: David Lott (davidL@mindless.com)
Date: Sun Nov 07 1999 - 22:17:42 EET

I'm a computer science major at the Georgia Institute of Technology
(Georgia Tech) in Atlanta, Georgia and I have been very interested
recently in started a game project with my friends here.  We wanted it
to be an online, multiplayer, multiplatform, open source, 3D RPG using
OpenGL (specifically Mesa).  Imagine my surprise while reading about
Mesa when I discovered a link to your site.  Here was a project 4 years
in the works that was frighteningly similar to the one my friends and I
had layed out.  Don't you just love the open source community? :)

Anyway, I've tried out the project as it stands (0.3.0) and read through
some of the source code and I've decided that it would make much more
sense to donate my efforts to your project rather than "reinventing the
wheel" as you put it in your website.  I don't have a lot of experience
with C++  and none with OpenGL, but I'm eager and a fast learner.  I
view this as an opportunity to learn from your development team's
experience while (hopefully) actually contributing something useful to
the project.

Please let me know how I can be of help.  I actually have lots of free
time right now and will for the rest of the year, so I'd like to spend
it doing something I consider useful instead of just wasting it watching
TV or something. :)  Thanks for your time, I hope to hear from you soon.

David Lott

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