Re: I like the idea - but what's up with the server ?

Subject: Re: I like the idea - but what's up with the server ?
From: Tommi Leino (
Date: Sun Oct 31 1999 - 17:47:20 EET

On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, StarSoFt wrote:

> I like the idea of your system very much!
> Though I wasn't able to connect your server ( - no route to
> host) with the client - is it a temporary state?

> I do have myself a Linux machine (I686) so I fixed some minor issues
> (problems with libraries etc.) - do you need any help with the project ?
> (Of course I'd like to see it working ;))

Perhaps. Meet us at #majik on IRCnet or just telnet

Tommi Leino / Majik 3D project

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