In depth game man.

Subject: In depth game man.
From: Masa (
Date: Sat Jun 05 1999 - 18:38:25 EEST

I was reading over your game, Majik4, and I'd have to say it's very in
depth.  And I like your choice of platforms for the client (Linux, free,
fast, and crash free), but my problem is, Linux isn't fast on modem
connections, which I think sucks (well, it use to be, but my computer
got 'fixed' and now my modem grinds to a halt under Linux).  So I use
Win98 for net connections.  It's rather unfortunate that I'm not able to
play your wonderous game, because I would really like to try it.  If you
need any help with it, let me know, I'm a programmer too.  And if you've
got any aspirations of making your game into a Java program (not applet,
a program.  As in a local program (yes Java can do that)), tell me and
I'll help you program it (I'm currently working on my own game,
something that will be akin to another online game called Tibia, only
there won't be any pk's running rampant around the server).

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