Re: Majik.

Subject: Re: Majik.
From: Tommi Leino (
Date: Fri Jun 04 1999 - 09:35:30 EEST wrote:
> Well, you're the boss. But in that case you don't need my help, the TCP
> module you have there, while it could be slightly improved in places, is
> plenty good enough to handle lan/low-latency connections to your server.
> Keep up the good work, feel free to gimme a buzz if you get stuck on
> anything. I'll be watching :) And I'll send in patches if I happen to fix
> something.

In a month (M2) I'm going to look at the networking code and try to do
it using TCP. If it doesn't work then the only choice is UDP. For trying
TCP I don't quite have to do much anything so it is easy and fast to test,
but I'm still concerned how the UDP works with firewalls, IP masq and
such kludges. While we were working on Majik4 (roguelike version of Majik)
the TCP worked well enough for network stuff. The only thing slowing down
the game was that our server was only a 486dx2/66 :) The 3D version
shouldn't generate much more traffic, only one packet for moving from x
to y, if we do it right. User says that he wants to go from 1,1 to 5,5
it sends it to server, server checks if there is anything between those
points, if not the user can get to 5,5 generating only traffic of 1 packet
and packets equal to users watching. While between the client would just
animate the movement. When in battle it is only 1 packet for a round and
then extra packets for saying something, moving a little, but I don't
think it would be too much, as we have of course a little delay (0.5s)
between rounds, just because we need a turn-based battle, but we need that
working realtime without waiting users to hit some key, they just wait
0.5s and then there is a new turn :)

Tommi Leino / Majik 3D project

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