Re: libglut

Subject: Re: libglut
From: Jari P Saukkonen (jsaukkon@cs.Helsinki.FI)
Date: Wed Oct 13 1999 - 01:26:29 EEST

On Tue, 12 Oct 1999, Henrik Lindstrom wrote:

> Hi there!
> Your majik project seems really cool, but i
> cant test it because of the libglut problem...
> Where can i download it?

You didn't tell your operating system, but the compiled .dll is included
in the windows version. If you are using linux, then it's most
probably available as a package for your distribution (check your linux
cd's or ftp site). As a last resort you can get the source from and compile it yourself.

> And another question, wich is pretty
> irrelevant, you are from finland, and...
> do you speak swedish? =)

Ju alla finska majik3d programmerare talar svenska mycket bra. 

- NOT.

++ dazzt

| Jari Saukkonen + : coral   -.
| programming            music          graphics | dolphin   :
| art                  keyboards             web | nah-kolor |
| Babylon5-inspired 'shadow function'        0 <= t <= 4*pi/3
:  x(t) =   (sin 8t)^2 * (5 + 3sin 8t) cos (t/2 + (sin 8t)^2)
.  y(t) = +-(sin 8t)^2 * (5 + 3cos 8t) sin (t/2 + (sin 8t)^2)

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