Re: Arianne RPG

Subject: Re: Arianne RPG
From: Tommi Leino (
Date: Sat Sep 25 1999 - 13:43:42 EEST

On Sat, 25 Sep 1999 wrote:

> I visited your project and WorldForge too.
> I think that they are very good but we are developing a more OFFLINE centered
> RPG game, where we will focus more
> in AI on NPJ.

So you found the line then :) Majik has always been massively multiplayer
game with no any offline playing options and will never be so. In future
all will have some sort of net connection and I think it is better to 
interact with real people instead of bunch of code, no matter how good AI
engine you do. I would actually like to see Majik with no any NPCs
(except monsters and animals) at all, with everything controlled by the
players, but that is not possible until we have thousands of players 
online. Until then, it is a necessity for our NPCs to have a decent
AI in order for our economy system to work for real, so they will go
out and buy food when they're hungry, do work to gain money and produce
goods people can buy etc. That code also could be then used by offline
players, but we haven't yet decided if it is a good thing to do so,
with permanent death system it is not so fun to get killed when you're
not online and it would run the game to be more like "fantasy character
manager", where you tell your character to do something, be offline for a
few weeks and come back to see the progress.

Tommi Leino / Majik 3D project

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