Re: Opengl_Tutorial

Subject: Re: Opengl_Tutorial
From: Jari P Saukkonen (jsaukkon@cs.Helsinki.FI)
Date: Thu Sep 23 1999 - 23:14:33 EEST

On Thu, 23 Sep 1999, Felipe Gomes de Carvalho wrote:

> My name is Felipe and I love opengl ,I would like to know if know some
> tutorial about an introduction in games with opengl , if know please
> send me . Please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OpenGL Programming Guide (aka "The Red Book"), which introduces OpenGL
concepts quite nicely (I initially learned my OpenGL stuff from there) is
available for online browsing and download at

After that, has lots of OpenGL related material.


| Jari Saukkonen + : coral   -.
| programming            music          graphics | dolphin   :
| art                  keyboards             web | nah-kolor |
| Babylon5-inspired 'shadow function'        0 <= t <= 4*pi/3
:  x(t) =   (sin 8t)^2 * (5 + 3sin 8t) cos (t/2 + (sin 8t)^2)
.  y(t) = +-(sin 8t)^2 * (5 + 3cos 8t) sin (t/2 + (sin 8t)^2)

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