Re: Development team.

Subject: Re: Development team.
From: Tommi Leino (
Date: Thu Sep 02 1999 - 21:20:23 EEST

On Thu, 2 Sep 1999, Gwyneth Tanlania wrote:

> I would really like to join your development team, as a bug tester and
> maybe i can even write a few routines (my knowledge of coding in linux
> is not big, but a have done some directx programming in windows, so i
> don't think it will be so hard.).

All of the development team (the coders) are quite proficient and the
amount of us is small, kept small intentionally. It will take from
weeks to months to understand our code and thus being able to contribute
something, and if not already being a skilled programmer it can take even
more time. We however remember the fact that when Harum joined our
development team, he didn't even know how to program in C, but he had
some attitude and potential. Now, if you see that you would fit the team,
then we would be more than glad to welcome you, otherwise consider the
other ways of contributing: bug testing, designing and just being active.

Anyways, if you want to code something, the place to start is to read
client's source, try to understand it and then fix every small detail
you see needing fixing. That way also, it would lessen the threshold
to step fully into the Majik development team as a coder.

Meet you at telnet:// and we'll talk more.

Tommi Leino / Majik 3D project

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