Development team.

Subject: Development team.
From: Gwyneth Tanlania (
Date: Thu Sep 02 1999 - 20:10:08 EEST

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I am very pleased to see, that some one out there, has taken on the task of
making a 3D RPG game.

I have been looking around the net, and found many such projects, but all where
not close to serious, and then i found this.

I would really like to join your development team, as a bug tester and maybe i
can even write a few routines (my knowledge of coding in linux is not big, but
a have done some directx programming in windows, so i don't think it will be so

I am also a network administrator at a middle sized (20-25 comp.) network,
where i also can test your server in action.

I hope that you guys (and gals), will welcome my support.

I look forward to hear from you.

Gwyneth Tanlania

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