Majik 3-D

Subject: Majik 3-D
From: Brian Edwards (
Date: Thu Aug 12 1999 - 03:22:59 EEST

Majik team,
Sounds good, I'll definately be looking forward to playing when the
project is ready. I'm usually one of the older people playing a mud,
being 25 years old, and sometimes in a non rp enviroment (or in a rp
enviroment if they don't care) the antics of some of the 12 year olds
get taxing, Good luck on the project. I hope you have fairly thick skin,
I've been playing on Aalynor's Nexus mud for a year, which is one of the
best rp muds around, and the mailing list is constantly filled with
complaints about things people rp'd and it didn't turn out beneficial
for them (IE: the monks guild is supposed to be peace seeking, and only
attack others in defense, however, of all the monks around, I think only
5 actually do this. Anyway, one monk actioned slapping a npc Noble with
a slab of meat, and then complained that the noble attacked him, and
recieved a power boost to be able to hurt him) At anyrate, Thanks for
undertaking the project,  I'm sure it will be great.

Brian Edwards.

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