Re: World Building/Graphics :)

Subject: Re: World Building/Graphics :)
From: Tommi Leino (
Date: Wed Aug 04 1999 - 21:49:33 EEST

On Wed, 4 Aug 1999, Nathaniel Harari wrote:

> and

Wow :) 

You could for instance create a new Majik 3D logo; you can use
as many of polygons you want and there is no any restrictions.
Use your imagination :) The one we have now is a little bit
boring and not suitable at all on other background colors than
the one it is on now. The image then would be displayed on
the login screen while the client is loading stuff, on the
web page and maybe printed on Majik t-shirts too. First make
few sketches and send them us to avoid making a logo we wouldn't
accept :) Ask questions and tell us are you happy to take
this kind of task. After that we really would like to have
someone skilled as you doing quality low-polygon models.

Tommi Leino / Majik 3D project

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