World Building/Graphics :)

Subject: World Building/Graphics :)
From: Nathaniel Harari (
Date: Wed Aug 04 1999 - 12:43:17 EEST

Hi. :)

I just checked out your Majik page and I love the idea. I've been running 
MUSHes and MUXes for many many years (since 92) and I'm interested now in 
seeing how I could help with a 3D environment.

I read your FAQ and understand you don't need "Wizzes" and "Builders", but 
might be looking for 3D art people. :) So, without further ado, you can 
check out my skills at:


and if you would like me to create some things in 3D for you, I would be 
glad to help out. :)

Even if you don't need me to help, I sure hope you enjoy my web pages. 

I look forward to downloading the game on my new linux box (I just set up 
red hat 6.0 - woohoo! :) ), and trying it out. :)


Travelling Uncle Nat. :)

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