CVS commit(s) by yendor

Subject: CVS commit(s) by yendor
From: Eero Tanskanen (
Date: Thu Mar 29 2001 - 10:00:02 EEST

Update of /majik/cvsroot/majik3-testplatform/world/misc
In directory majik:/tmp/cvs-serv14679/majik3-testplatform/world/misc

Modified Files:
Log Message:

Modified the race.c to hopefully have lights on for people to see.
Update of /majik/cvsroot/majik3-testplatform/world/misc
In directory majik:/tmp/cvs-serv14715

Modified Files:
Log Message:

The light value changed to 1 from 3 for maximum visibility between races.
Update of /majik/cvsroot/majik3-testplatform/world/virtual
In directory majik:/tmp/cvs-serv14742

Modified Files:
Log Message:

Just fortress terrain type added.
Update of /majik/cvsroot/majik3-testplatform/command/mortal
In directory majik:/tmp/cvs-serv14754

Modified Files:
Log Message:

When building a new city, the command now assigns the room type of the
first room to be a gate. This way it's possible for everyone to make own
cities further than 1 room.
Update of /majik/cvsroot/majik3-testplatform/command/mortal
In directory majik:/tmp/cvs-serv20326

Modified Files:
Log Message:

Well. Changed the terrain designation. Building fortresses now results in a map symbol H and building cities marks a C (player city) in the map. And in both the initial room now has light value of 1 for visibility.
Update of /majik/cvsroot/majik3-testplatform/virtual
In directory majik:/tmp/cvs-serv20726

Modified Files:
Log Message:

Ahh finally. The fixes are :
   The lighting of a newly created room is copied from the room it was constructed. Namhas just made me go the harder way because there was no easy way of modifying the lighting value that is saved to the object file. (room_set_light or something like that.)
   Second update is the 'construct doorway <direction>' -command. It allows you to construct a doorway, but fails if there isn't a room that the doorway would lead.

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