Subject: Origins run deep
From: Kaoru Shalamberidze (
Date: Thu Dec 02 1999 - 16:53:28 EET
The first designs about majik ancient history and gods where done almost 3 years ago. When we first started with majik-3. Back then me, sinister, namhas and some other oldies designed how the godly affairs have gone in history. Not much of it ended down on writing because the team was small then and everyone had agreed on ideas and everyone knew them. I think that bollocks about anyone new listening new ideas is a 'bit' lost. We did add new nice things to the official version now, as we have done the whole development time. And those html links people tend to use are depressing windows-shitte stuff, they dont do much good in unix environment. Post mesasge headers WITH those or some other info where right ones can be found. .m
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