Re: Sages?

Subject: Re: Sages?
From: Sinister Serpent (
Date: Wed Dec 01 1999 - 14:26:33 EET

Kaoru Shalamberidze wrote:
> On Wed, 1 Dec 1999, Sinister Serpent wrote:
> > Kaoru Shalamberidze wrote:
> > > On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Sinister Serpent wrote:
> > >
> > > > Again, I am facing the problem with getting informed, or rather, not
> > > > getting informed.
> > >
> > > I think its pretty much your own problem if you dont read this mailing
> > > list. There isnt any reason to whine if you dont even bother to read.
> >
> > Are you serious?
> Yes, either you dont even read this list, or you tend to miss alot of
> important mails.
> Most of the stuff you have been arguing against have been decided a long
> time ago and posted in this message :
> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 17:13:59 +0300 (EEST)
> From: Taneli Tikka <>
> To:
> Subject: Old gods, new gods, ancients, structure of reality.
> If you are saying you dont know what has been decided there cant be much
> choices, either you dont read, or you tend to miss stuff, like that post
> forexample.

I am not denying that I have missed certain mails in the past (because I
have been busy and almost resigning) but that does not explain why I
keep getting bad/useless explanations to my questions/proposals etc. I
would really appreciate a good answer when I ask something.
And btw. I have noticed that some things just "get decided" recently
even I HAVE READ all the mails so that does not explain everything if I
did not read certain post a couple of months ago.
  |           ~ Sinister / Serpent of Nightside ~           |
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