World size

Subject: World size
From: Jari P Saukkonen (jsaukkon@cs.Helsinki.FI)
Date: Wed Dec 01 1999 - 00:04:39 EET

There was some talk about this long time ago, perhaps during Majik4
times. Could someone tell me if we came to a good conclusion back then?
I didn't find any from the archives :(

So, how much land do we need?

The new "worldtree" will have a maximum of 65536 x 65536 leaves
(containers for objects and map) and each leaf will cover 32m x 32m (or
64) area or something [not decided, good size depends on the amount of

The maximum size for the world would be 2097km x 2097km
(using 32m resolution). The resulting worldtree's size would be 

 size = leaves_x * leaves_y * 5 bytes

which would make around 20 gigabytes for theoretical maximum size.
That amount does NOT count any object or terrain data -- it's just the
data structure holding the world together. Also, if the terrain has not
been modified in any way and there aren't any objects in a leaf's area it
doesn't need to be stored anywhere. In contrast, if there has been lots of
changes in the terrain a leaf will take much more space (up to few

Harum proposed a size of 131km x 131km (4096x4096 nodes, 32m resolution).
That would use ~84 megabytes (+ terrain + objects) for the world.

This sounds reasonable to me, any objections?

+++ dazzt
| Jari Saukkonen + : coral   -.
| programming            music          graphics | dolphin   :
| art                  keyboards             web | nah-kolor |
| Babylon5-inspired 'shadow function'        0 <= t <= 4*pi/3
:  x(t) =   (sin 8t)^2 * (5 + 3sin 8t) cos (t/2 + (sin 8t)^2)
.  y(t) = +-(sin 8t)^2 * (5 + 3cos 8t) sin (t/2 + (sin 8t)^2)

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