The truth behind the Cataclysm, pt. I

Subject: The truth behind the Cataclysm, pt. I
From: Sinister Serpent (
Date: Mon Nov 29 1999 - 15:51:36 EET

Before you got too worried of the subject, let me explain that this is
MY IDEA about how it all got started and how it all ended. A kind of
sequel to my earlier post about the cataclysm. I will also comment and
reply to your ideas presented here to make you (and me) see if they fit
this "sequel" at all. You shall then decide if my ideas (or some of
them) will be used or not. Anyway, here we go...

As all of you (should) know from my earlier postings, certain wizards
(or to be precise, certain arch-wizards and liches (namely The Covenant
of the Wizards of Arammon (5 arch-wizards) and The Bane Circle (3
liches))), started the Cataclysm when doing magical experiments and when
these two groups finally clashed. These experiments prepared the magical
powers to cause the havoc and strenghtened the effects of the spells and
invocations which were used in the battle between these two groups.

First contact:
At first, there was no "real battle", instead it was measuring one's
strength with others. In other words, arch-wizards were trying to find
out how powerful The Bane Circle was, and pretty much the same was done
by the liches. Some spells, even rather powerful, were cast but none got
killed in this first contact.

Second contact - the first invocation:
Since both of these groups seemed to be very powerful, yet limited in
number, they both tried to invoke servants and soldiers from other
planes and places to do the actual physical combat to save the magic of
the wizards. At first the Covenant (lead by Arammon) summoned all kinds
of lesser elementals to fight the undead armies and lesser demons which
were summoned by the three liches. The war had begun, yet not very many
civilians got killed at first because the actual battles were fought in
unhabited areas, until the third phase.

Third phase - the assault of the undead legion
The third phase started when it seemed that The Bane Circle was losing
the war. No lesser undead could harm any of these elementals and there
simply was not enough these greater undeads (such as vampires, spectres
and other non-corporal beings) to win all the elementals so the liches
hit their smart skulls together and decided to use some dirty tactics
and moved huge amounts of their legions to populated areas, such as
cities and towns of all the major human and demi-human races. No matter
were they elves or orcs, the undead armies moved forth toward these
cities and started a real carnage. Wizards got really worried, even
though their elementals and elemental spirits were victorious with the
undead armies. It seemed that the evil was doing well.

Phase four - the angelic intervention
Wizards decided to dig up all the magical artifacts the had stored in
their towers while they were thinking their next strategic move.
Iriendor, the second powerful wizard of Arammon's covenant, found an
ancient tome that was written a few thousand years ago. The tome was
about ancient summoning rituals and opening a "gate" or portal to
another plane of existence. Not just any plane, but a realm where angels
and other elder creatures not from this world existed and lived.
Iriendor, who was specialized in summoning and invocation rituals,
studied the book with Arammon while other wizards controlled the
elementals in the battlefield. At the same time, liches were planning to
invoke some greater demons and beings but they did not have the power
nor knowledge to do so. Finally Iriendor and Arammon made a breakthrough
and found a way how to summon angels and other similar entities to the
world to fight the undeads and to defeat them. A ritual began to create
a portal to this realm of angels and other such creatures. It took a few
long days and a lot of mana was used in this opening ceremony. Finally,
the portal was created and opened and wizards connected some angelic
entities. They explained the situation to them and a legion of angels
decided to help them and entered the mortals' realm. Angels attacked the
undead army and in a couple of days most of the undead were "slain". Now
all looked like that the wizards were victorious, but meanwhile the
liches had done their "homework" and studied the situation...

Fifth stage - the apocalypse

Not knowing or thinking enough, the wizards left the portal open. This
was just what liches needed in order to summon the greater demons from
another planes - a portal to the "higher planes". Liches somehow managed
to take partially the control of the portal and successfully managed to
invoke some greater demons as well. Fortunately, the wizards managed to
close the portal before too many demons entered the world to spread
chaos and destruction. Unfortunately, these greater demons brought a
very powerful demon with them as they came through the portal. This
demon was actually a demon prince called Decay (in common language, of
course, which is used instead, since the real name is way too difficult
for mortals to say*), who is one of the Nine Horsemen of Sinister and
Yorkaturr and also a arch-demon in the realm of demons. The war got very
furious indeed as the demons attacked their arch-enemies - the angels.
The battle was apocalyptic sight: elementals, elemental spirits (djinns,
efreeti, etc.) and angels and other angelic entities fighting with all
kinds of undeads, lesser and major demons. Mortals where left alone by
these creatures, except by a major individual - Decay. Decay is not
"warrior-sort" of demon, thus his goals and tactics differ a lot from a
"basic" demon. Instead of physical or magical combat, Decay spreads
diseases and plagues among mortals (and some times diseases of magical
origin as well, which may affect immortals, too), which then kill
mortals slowly. The plague which Decay this time "planted" resembles a
bit dementia. First it makes one to forget less important things, and as
it gets worse, it makes people to forget more and more. Eventually, one
forgets his name and other such information and as it still gets worse,
one will finally forget how to eat, to drink and to breathe, and thus
this disease leads to death. Some of the people survived the disease
partially, only losing their memories of their past life, remembering
only their name and such things while most people died. Some of the
people got magically cured, but some of them, ironically, died in the
battle between the liches' and wizards' armies.

The final phase - the aftermath

After the assault of Decay something strange happened. Sky turned black
and total silence filled the world - Namhas had entered the world. Not
in his avatar form, but in his true "form". First, some kind of fissure
or crevasse appeared in the sky and a huge hand stretched from it. It
grabbed Decay while it was still inoculating and spreading the disease
and took it in the crevasse. Then a gigantic and furious storm began
creating a huge vortex in the sky. The vortex sucked all the spirits,
elementals, angels and demons in it and closed. The undead legions fall
apart and the bones were scattered. Non-corporal undeads (such as
vampires, spectres, wights etc.) simply vanished in the air. Magical
bursts appeared amidst the Covenant of Arammon and The Bane Circle and
engulfed them leaving not but magical ash there. After all the
elementals, spirits, angels, undeads, demons gone and The Bane Circle
and Covenant turned to ashes the silence disappeared and the world
returned to it's "normal" state, except that a huge disaster just had
happened. Most of the humans and demi-humans (or at least their centers,
towns and cities) were destroyed. A lot of people were still alive, but
not knowing what had happened, because of the Plague Decay had implanted
earlier. World had faced a huge cataclysm (which is here named as "the
Cataclysm") and it was time of rebuilding...

Now I need some feedback. Comments about this idea. Do you like it or is
it too full of cliches and "used ideas"? Is there reasons to use it or
not use it? Does it fit the world of Majik at all or is there something
which should be changed in order to use the idea?
Just give me some feedback so I do not feel like I just wasted my time
on creating and writing this.

Kaoru Shalamberidze wrote:
> On Fri, 26 Nov 1999, Sinister Serpent wrote:
> This is the thing why iv been arguing with you, it seems that you totally
> dont understand how magic works and what it is. So i try to give an
> example so you would get it.

It seems that my "vision" about magic differs a lot from yours and in my
explanation for cataclysm and its happenings are that the "rules" of
magic were changed by gods after this disaster. I do not know if this
fits the current history and/or magic of Majik but I will give my shot

> The gods in the void, then they create the universe. They do the creation
> and design everything in it. They design how reality works and they
> enstablish the fundamentals of magick -that is the act of changing
> reality. After that comes new gods, species of man, cataclysm etc..etc..
> and so on and so on and so forth.
> Now an example from real life :
> A group of people stands in an empty room. They decide to enstablish an
> ant farm. They buy the glass aquarium to store ants inside. They design
> the whole ant nest, how it works and where the ants are alloved to run.
> Then they fill it with ants and they live there. And life if beautiful.

<the crap>

You know why your example about ants does not work (even though it is
rather good example otherwise)?
Ants have no magic which could affect the normal "laws of nature", so
your example is unusuable.
> And besides everything that makes up the universe, everything in the
> creation is a design by the gods. They con exactly how things work, and
> they can remove or add things from existence with ease.

Yes, this all is true, gods can do this and that BUT they DO NOT
intefere with mortals and all kinds of happenings and events all the
time. They are there to supervise the balance etc. and not to use the
world as their own playground. I am sorry for you if you think that
world of Majik is just a playground for gods. It is NOT that and never
will be. That is the main reason why do not gods intervene with the
world all the time they can.

> Humans around the aquiarium can flush it with gasoline and burn it if they
> like, or they can throw objects inside.. pour more ants into it, squeeze
> some old ones to death.. etc.. etc..
> Was this clear enough example for you?

Sure, but as explained earlier, this is not how the gods do their
  |           ~ Sinister / Serpent of Nightside ~           |
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