Subject: The Answer!!!?
From: joshua 'hook' corning (
Date: Fri Nov 26 1999 - 14:44:27 EET
I think i have just come up with the solution to our cataclysm problem. Now i don't want everyone to just shrug it off or instantly exept it ( Ok its alright to instantly exept it) but i want you to let it roll around in your head for awhile befor you judge it. the cause of the cataclysim was a plague a magical or non-magical infectiouse desease that made those infected go mad. Everyone went bonkers and destroyed evryone and everthing in sight. They burned cities butchered each other destroyed castles and just made a mess of their civilizations. They did this for months or weeks or days or even years these are details we can work out. After the desease past most died a horrible bloody death from it ( the syptomes of death can be worked out) but some survived and those that did fell into a sleep and when they awoke their minds where wiped clean. They could only remember their names and a few skills that they had took years to learn They also remebered some of their history (What they remember can also be debated. Beregar has pointed out, in my opinion correctly, that in reality the players would not remember anything becouse they are in fact new to the game.) This is a good solution becouse: - it dosn't destroy nature or change it dramaticaly leaving lots of natural resourses. - We can pick and choose which races species are effected by it. Like goblins are just naturaly immune but orcs humans elves ie player races get the desease. - The gods do not nessesarily have to be involved (although they could be this still needs debate) - It explains why only dwelling centers were destroyed - It explains why people can't remember Joshua 'hook' Corning
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