Re: About stat system..

Subject: Re: About stat system..
From: Sinister Serpent (
Date: Thu Nov 25 1999 - 13:37:38 EET

Ari Miettinen wrote:
> >Ari Miettinen wrote:
> >> On some other mail, someone, maybe Namhas(?) argued against Empathy (EMP)
> >> stat and someone else (Sinister or Yorkaturr?) protected it quite eloquently. Imo,
> >> EMP is not as bad a stat as it first sounds, but it ain't an absolute must
> >> either. But does EMP somehow cause damage to the game? I don't think so.
> >
> >I said "yes" for the EMP stat if you did not notice on my earlier post
> >today.
> >Or did you just understand me totally wrong?
> Eh, no, I am afraid you misunderstood my words. We two agree on this matter.

Ah ok. I just misunderstood the first sentence (not the death sentence
It is ok now.
  |           ~ Sinister / Serpent of Nightside ~           |
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